Function default

  • Function: redisConnectionPoolFactory

    A high-level redis management object. It manages a number of connections in a pool, using them as needed and keeping all aspects of releasing active connections internal to the object, so the user does not need to worry about forgotten connections leaking memory and building up over time.


    uid - (string) - Unique identifier to retrieve an existing instance from elsewhere in an application. If left undefined, one will be generated automatically and available via the uid property of the returned object.

    cfg - (object) - A series of configuration parameters to be optionally passed in and used during initialization of the object.

    cfg.max_clients - (number) - Max clients alive in the connection pool at once. (default: 30)

    cfg.redis - (object) - A redis config object


    A RedisConnectionPool object


    Returns Promise<RedisConnectionPool>

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